Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The real school budget

As an admin, I am often trying to figure out how to efficiently spend money, during the summer especially. There is paint, air conditioners, summer workers, mowing, etc. But it got me thinking. We need all that stuff, yes, but honestly there are more important things we should be able to spend our money on. So, I have composed a list of what we should really spend school money on.
            * anger management classes: this is for those parents who do not like when or how we release them in the car line.
            * endless coffee: this is for the first week of school, the morning after ball games (middle school plays on Tuesday nights), and the morning after parent/ teacher conferences. It always feels like we never went home on those days. 
            * uggs: this is for those mornings when the thermometer forgets to move, but I must be able to go outside and say "Good Morning". 
            * snow machine : this is for that day when you just need a small break. We can use it to send them home early or not come at all. 
            * chiropractor and masseuse on staff : this is for those moments when you write on the board and have to see behind you at the same time. 
            * endless supply of buttons and zippers: this is for all those pants I have ruined. 
            * personal chef: school lunches just don't cut it. It's not enough food and with all the dietary restrictions now - it's just not good. 
            * and last but certainly not least: a duplicating machine for me: this is for those nights my children have a ball game on the same night as my students. This way I could be in two places at once. 
Even though as educators we see the need in my list, we know that we are not going to be able to check them off. However, if we come to school every day to ensure each child learns to the very best of their ability, then we have done our job and spent our money wisely. 


  1. Love your list! (Although the snow machine made me shudder in anticipation of winter!) I think some of the most important work we do - "ensuring each child learns to the very best of their ability"- is done through our relationships with kids. That doesn't have to cost a dime:)
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. What a fun list! My fave: Uggs! I understand the duplicating machine, too. Sometimes I wish I could just clone me! We've got open house tomorrow night, along with #ALedchat after that. I'll be looking for coffee Tuesday morning! :-)
